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  • Footprint Blog - Google Carbon Footprint Choose a quiz to take. Blog the following: 1. The url of your site as a link. 2. Is it a good site for you? Younger kids? 3. What...
    13 years ago

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bad Astronomy Blog

Watching the movie I said that when the astronaut was blinded by the sun it was factual. After looking it up on the Bad Astronomy website I learned that Phil Plait disaggred with me becasue although he didn't know how close the comet actually was to the sun, he said that n.a.s.a. would have given them built in visors or built in a u.v. block to their visors. They did have sun visors the astonaut was just in panic so he couldn't get it over his face in time therefore I disagree wiht Phil. Phil also believes that it is wrong that the sun blinded him becasuse he was only loooking at it for a few seconds but I think it easily would have blinded him considering they seemed to be very close to the sun and he is looking directly into the sun. Also while watching the movie I believed that the comet would have caused a huge wave of water when it landed in the ocean. Phil agreed with me that it would have caused a big wave but he disagrees that the water would have compleatly receded from the beach to be drawn up into the wave. Also the water would have been traveling faster than sound so we wouldn't have heard the huge wave.
I believed that it was wrong for the commet to be making any sound and Phil agreed with me that you have to have a medium for sound to occur and space is a vacum, therefore there would be no sound.
Lastly while watching the movie I believed it was false that the commet weighed 500 billion tons and Phil agrred with me. He says that the commet woul have actually weighed about 1,000 trillion tons!

Bad Moon Rising - Can you see the moon during the day?
I think that the moon is ushually on the opisite side of the world when it is day time here wich would explain why we cant see it durning the day. but when its a new moon i think we can see it on our side of the earth because when its a new moon for us the moon is not up? so thats my connection to it.
after reading I was wrong. The moon is always up during the day you just have to know where to look to find it. so i guess its not just when there is a new moon.
The sky at Night - Do all starts look white?
when i look up at the sky i see white tints and orange tints. But when i squezz my eye shut and leave it cracked i can see diffrent colors. After reading I learned that all stars emit all of the colors of the rainbow. He says the best way to find out is to look at the stars in the summertime and look directly above at the brightest stars (Vega and Antares) which will clearly be blue and red orange.
A Step Farther Out - What's your sign? Astrology and the zodiac.
I know that my sign is scorpio because my birthday is in november. There are also 11 other sign for the other months. After reading I learned that there are more than just 11 constellations. There are between 13 and 24, because soom are for rare ecasions and what not, so feel special if u have one of thoose.

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