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    14 years ago

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

City talk

1. Her name was Mrs byerly. She worked for the city of eaton rapids, and she came and talked to our class.

2. The city upgraded the sewer water treatment system by putting in bigger storm drains and rain gardens to help prevent stuff from getting into the river when it rains. Wich well help with a good chunck of pollution because the rain water will take all the debre from the streets and it will go rite into our river.

3. Adding the storm drain and the rain gardens will help the river alot. It will keep chemicals like oil and metals that come off of our cars and into the environment. exspecially the roadways and parking lots the improvments should keep our river cleaner.
4. My group was responsible for the temperature of the river. the improvments wont really help with the tempature of the water but it will help with other things wich is still good.

5.  The thing i found the most interesting was the irony. because with putting these new roads in and all the chemicles and debre coming from the heavey equipent then it going into our river and polluting it. so when the construction is gone our river will become a little cleaner.

6. my bio bottle is improving dailey. our grass is getting tall and our peas our getting bigger. some of the plastic in one of our expirments is keeping the grass and peas from growing. wich is proving that plastic is bad for our enviroment so our bio bottle lab is pretty sucsessfull.

7. As a group we havnt really gave eachother rolls yet, but we will each be contibuting.

8. We have not started our lexus power point yet because we still gathering data

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