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    13 years ago

Friday, September 24, 2010

Water Testing Connection

1. My group chose plastic, and how it effects our ecosystem.
2. Using our Bio-bottles for support, our action project will be to promote plastic reycling and to  show its importance. Plastics take a long time to decBlogger: DanTheRecycompose and offten end u in our water table, so not only do they effect growing plants but they also pollute our water. We want people to realize how plastic being litterd harms our enviroment.
3.We have 3 Bio-bottles. and one of them has seeds in the fertalizer, the other has seeds and type 1 plastic, and the 3rd one has seeds and type 2 plastic. We are tryin to see if the types of plastic effect the growing of the plants. And if so what the effects are. Who knows mybe the plants wont grow at all.
4.You assigned us tempature for our river test, and our project is plastic. they connect because if plastic is not recyled it often ends up in our river witch will polloute or water, and kill animals, because they could choke on plastic.

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